Thursday, January 18, 2007

something is happening

Something is going on; I just don't know what it is. I am filled with so many different feelings. Every day my dream gets bigger. Sometimes it seems attainable. Sometimes it doesn’t seem attainable at all. I feel like I’m on the edge of something big, but I just can’t see over the edge, and every day I feel closer to the edge, and at the same time, the edge seems so far away. I’m very excited to have a dream, btw. I don’t feel like I’ve really had one in a while, not one that was so big, so real, so exciting, yet so unattainable but that could only be attainable with God.

I’m going to see a movie tomorrow that sounds very interesting. God Grew Tired Of Us
I’m so interested in this movie. I’m interested in knowing how someone who did not grow up here or without all the “luxuries” we have views America and Americans. (Can you tell I’m “interested”? I used the word three times in three sentences.) The dream I’m dreaming is so not the “American Dream.” I wouldn’t really know how to define my dream, maybe the “Impossibly Possible Dream.”

I just wonder how this dream is lining up with God’s plan for my life, because the only way it will become a reality is if it’s in line with God’s plan for my life.

Just a question: Do you think God is growing tired of Americans?


Anonymous said...

i've been asking that question for quite some time.

tiffany beaver said...

if I'm tired of America (and I'm one of the most patriotic people you probably know) then I'm pretty sure God has to be getting sick of our charade. My roomie just went to Urbana a few weeks ago, and one of the speakers there from Kenya said that America is the third largest pagan country in the world. i was at a youth retreat after Christmas, and our speaker said that South Korea and China are sending Christian missionaries to America because they think we have a bigger spiritual need than they do. Kinda eye-opening, huh? one question i keep asking myself is this: are they having to send missionaries here because i'm not doing my job?

tanya said...

i sooooo wanna see that show. i'm hoping that next thursday i can make it down to midtown to see it. looking forward to hearing your thought on it. (and in 2 months, i'll let your know what i miss most about america...)