Monday, June 2, 2008

it's been since January?

I can't believe it's been that long since I've blogged. Maybe I'll be more regular. Who knows.

So I'm sitting here drinking a green tea and getting ready to write some reports for work (not one of my favorite things to do - maybe that's why I've found myself here blogging - avoidance tactic).

I found this quote recently, and it's a good description of where I am finding myself on the verge of turning 40 years old.

The thing that is really hard,
and really amazing
is giving up on being perfect
and beginning the work of
becoming yourself.

Anna Quindlen

I am awakening to the idea of really finding out and becoming who it is the God has created me to be, not the person I think I should be or the Christian I think I should be. Should be an interesting part of my journey. I can't wait to find out.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

good to see you back on the blog.