Thursday, June 26, 2008

mountain biking mania

Went mountain biking at Blanket's Creek today. I've been on one other real mountain bike trail, and that was Tsali in North Carolina, and that's a whole 'nother story that involves me crying while mountain biking and Michael telling me, "There's no crying in mountain biking." Anyway, today I did not cry. Today was AWESOME!!! We rode the beginner trail first, and then we rode on the intermediate one. It was soooo cool! I rode my behind off. I was so spent by the time we got done; it was incredible! Michael took a little tumble and has a nice trail rash on his leg, that to guys is a sign of honor. I guess it would be or will be to me when it happens to me, but I'm not looking forward to falling on the trail. I came close several times today but was able to stay up, but the more comfortable I get with the trail, the more likely it will be to happen.

I'm so frustrated with myself for waiting so long to attempt to get in really good shape. I wonder at the things I could have done over the last 10-12 years that I haven't done or shied away from due to my weight. Oh well. I'll make up for lost time. It's been an awesome journey so far.

I was reading today about self restraint and what I was reading was talking about praying for self restraint. I'd never really thought of doing that specifically. I know I pray for self restraint for my mouth, like when I pray that God would not allow offensive things to come out of it, but there's so many areas where I probably need to show self restraint. Obviously with my diet it will continue to be helpful to show self restraint, especially once I hit my goal weight. I don't want to go back to all my bad habits, and it's so easy to do so. I'm praying for God to reveal to me other areas I need to show self restraint. It was a cool revelation, and I can't wait to see how God uses it.

So I have asked my Mom if she wants to go on a road trip this fall to Washington D.C., which is where she met my Dad, where my brother and I were born, and where they lived for several years of their life. I'd like to give her the opportunity to show me places in D.C. that are significant to her and/or her and my Dad. My Aunt Linda may come down and join us, and I hope she gets to. I'm looking forward to this trip and this time with my Mom.

Well, I've got some episodes of the first season of The Office to watch. I can't believe the lame level Michael and I have fallen into because we haven't been watching this show until just recently.


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