Friday, January 5, 2007

Good grief! I am actually hungry!

Have I ever really been starving? Starving like people who can't go to McDonalds and order a Big Mac? Starving like homeless people or children in Africa? As I am in the process of making one last batch of chex mix to not "waste" what we have, have I ever truly experienced real hunger pains due to starvation? As a result of physical hunger, I don't think I've ever truly been starving, although I've about a brazillion times said, "I'm starving!" If I am physically hungry, I go eat. Most of the time I don't even allow myself to feel hungry before I am eating again.

It's January 5th, and I am on my third day of trying to cut back on what I eat (to get in better shape), and today I feel hungry, and I'm not jumping up to run to McDonald's. (Have you seen the movie "Super-Size Me"? Holy cow! I didn't eat Micky D's french fries for at least six months after watching that movie.) The point is I'm feeling hungry. I wonder if this is anything close to what our Compassion International children feel. I doubt it.

I am starving in another way though. I am starving for intimate time with God, connecting with God - an uninterrupted, undistracted intimate connection with God, but dangit, there is always something to do, some place to be, something to clean, some meal to prepare. Times before when I have fasted from food, I have felt a more intimate connection with God than I've felt during most times in my life. During those times, I cried out to God to sustain me, to let Him be what filled me up instead of food. Could it be that starving children in Africa are actually more connected with God than I could ever be due to the fact that I can get my fill physically whenever I want to? Could it be that what brings me physical comfort (a nice house, a nice car, plenty of clothes, food whenever I want it) be creating one huge obstacle between God and me?

May today's hunger pains serve as a reminder and be the beginning of getting my fill of God before I get my fill of my own desires to create a comfortable life for myself.


Anonymous said...

linda, you've arrived on the blogging scene! and you haven't just arrived, but you've arrived with a powerful voice! great post. are you going to start a fast?

tanya said...

again i say, ' you preach it, sister!'

Anonymous said...

You Rock Sister! I love you!!!!!!