Wednesday, February 28, 2007

4-square fun!!!

Yesterday, I got to play 4-square using 9-square rules. We played in my driveway. 4 adults playing 4-square in the front yard - sooooo much fun!!! I haven't played 4 -square in so long, and it was a blast. Adults should play 4-square or 9-square way more often. Why do we get so serious as adults? Why do we quit doing these fun things? I know people do fun stuff all the time, but for me it all seems to be so planned out. This was just a spontaneous game of 4-square, and I had a blast!

My mom, who is in her late 60's started shooting hoops again with some neighborhood kids. She used to be great at sports, and I'm so glad to hear that she is playing Horse and 21, and even though she says she comes in last most of the time, I know it's doing her some good to get out there and just do something fun.

I'm so thinking 4-square or 9-square needs to become a part of the small groups I am involved in, whether it's the 6th grade Fusion Freaks, my accountability group, or our community group. Could it be that 4-square is a community builder? I think it could be.

Hope to see you in the squares!


Anonymous said...

i had fun too! maybe on a respite, i could come teach your group 9-square. i'm pretty much a genious at that game.

tiffany beaver said...

i wanna play!