Thursday, February 22, 2007

I scribed from Matthew this morning about Jesus calling Simon (Peter), Andrew, James and John to be His disciples. I so want to know more about this. I would love to be able to see this scene go down in real life and get the feelings, thoughts, words, actions of these first 4 men Jesus called to be His homeys. I know it says they left "at once" and "immediately", but there's got to be more to it. Could it be that simple to give up everything and follow? And what was their "everything", family, a home, a boat? What did it really mean to give up everything during the time they were on this earth? Did they know Jesus? Had they heard about Him? What were their lives like up to this point? Were these men unhappy with their current circumstances? Were they desperate? Had they been baptized by John? Were they present when John baptized Jesus? God knew who the 12 would be, so I don't see it all as a big mystery, but I would love to have a little more insight into the lives of these men.


Anonymous said...

so once you get the answer to the question, i'd love for you to pass along the wisdom.

i have come to believe that safety and comfort and sensible are way too important to today's christians.

Anonymous said...

Linda - you are amazing. The wisdom and happiness you bring to my life are invaluable. I love you to the ends of the earth!