Saturday, October 20, 2007

date night

Michael and I finally have our date night back after moving to the ranch. Before we moved out to Waleska, our date nights were different. After we got married, because it was just the two of us, date nights always ended with us at home by ourselves and it was kinda like the date would just continue on until we decided to go to bed. Well now, since three 18-year olds live with us, when we get home, we're not alone, so now it's kinda like the date ends when we get home. The cool part about it is that it feels like what it used to feel like thirteen years ago when we were really dating. Back then, we lived an hour away from each other, and we would look for ways to make our dates last as long as possible. We looked for anything to do that would prolong someone from having to go home. That's kinda what these date nights are like. We'll look for any way to spend alone time together and keep the sacredness of our "date". It's so awesome that God blessed me with a man that after 12 years of marriage, I cannot get enough alone time with him. I am so excited that when I attend a wedding (which we did today) that I can sit through that ceremony and still be grateful for the man who took my hand in marriage 12 years ago.

I pray that I can still live up to the vow I made when we exchanged rings - "With all that I have and all that I am, I honor you."

I gotta stop so I can go watch some football and see what's happening between Auburn and LSU. :)

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