Sunday, October 14, 2007

fear creates change

I have a fear - it's a fear of not being all God created me to be. But I don't really treat this fear like a real fear. It's somewhere in the background of my life, and it's this thing I sometimes choose to ignore. If I don't think about it, it will just go away, right? If I don't focus on it, I'll feel better, right? Not so much. I just walk around pretending that I'm not afraid of this major thing. But holy cow, what am I doing to myself? Somehow I need to fight the urge to cover this fear and actually face it. But it's hard to face something I cannot see. I am burdened by it though. I'm burdened with the complacency I feel when I choose to overlook this huge fear.

Michael and I are in the perfect place to get in better physical shape, financial shape, spiritual shape and be more usable for Him. We are going to a church we love, Revolution, and this church is making it harder for me to ignore my fear, and I am soooo thankful to God for that.

We have this awesome opportunity to work out at the YMCA in Canton, and it's been awesome. We work out on weights every other day, and we do cardio stuff on the days in between. I have felt a heck of a lot better and had more energy. I'm starting to lose some pounds. I started doing this Cycling class two times a week, and it kicks my butt, but in a good way.

We have been working towards becoming debt free, but we had kinda slacked off some, so the current message series at our church is helping us get back on track with that. We feel like we are in a better place to become debt free than we've ever been, but we've got to make it long term this time.

And then we have more time than we've ever had before to spend time with God and in ways that have never been more available to us. Where we live lends itself to lots of cool ways to spend time with God. And we are looking for ways of getting plugged in as volunteers at our church, which also offers us opportunities to grow.

So here's the deal, I don't want to screw all this up by being focused on me and not God. It's so easy to get focussed on me.

I'll end with this thing from my notes in church today.

Being poor doesn't make you super spiritual.
Being rich doesn't make you less spiritual.
Money is just a tool, don't let it be your master.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

a. this has been so enlightening for me to read, to learn about this going on inside of you.

b. those 3 points you highlighted from today's sermon are 3 of the 4 that i have that jumped out at me. :)