Saturday, October 27, 2007

todd agnew

I am so into todd agnew's cd, "better questions." Here's my favorites so far in order
"if you wanted me"
"on a corner in memphis"
"martyr's song"
"glorious day"

i was going to just print some lyrics from "if you wanted me" that really stuck out to me, but all of them do, so here's the whole song:

I'll admit I'm glad we're not disciples
Out on a lake paralyzed with fright

'Cause I'm afraid I might have laughed at Peter
Until he stepped into that stormy night

If You wanted me to walk on water

Why'd You make this solid ground seem so right?

I'll admit I'm glad I'm not King David
Ruling over everything I see

'Cause I think I've fallen for more than Bathsheba

Your creation's a temptation for me

If You wanted me to love You only
Why'd you make the moonlight sparkle in her eyes?

I'll admit I'm glad I'm not John the Baptist
In a jail cell waiting for my day to die

'Cause at least down here
I know what we're chasing

And it's hard to trust
Your dreams are so much better than mine

If You wanted me to die to myself

Why'd You make me fall so deeply in love with life?

If You wanted me to surrender
Why'd You make these hands able to hold on so tight?

If You wanted me to be like You

Why'd You make me like me?

the imagery and truth to these lyrics amaze me and touch my soul. they remind me that God didn't have to create me, that He made me the way He did for a reason, and even though i will always experience temptations and challenges He wants me to keep striving to be like Him, even though He knows I'll never attain that, He wants me to have a heart like His, and in trying to become more like Him - every attempt draws me closer to Him - maybe even more so through my failures than my successes.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i also really like this song. the lyrics are so real. i love the if/why questions. not that i've ever been able to communicate it such a powerful way, my resonates with the questions, i feel the same way.