Monday, July 21, 2008

blogging, twitter, journaling, etc.

My world is filled with jotting down my thoughts.

I do the following:
keep a personal journal
write my thoughts to God
keep an exercise/workout journal
blog, which I don't keep up with well because of all the other thought jotting I do

And on blogger, you really have to think about what you are writing, not that i have some huge following, but it's going on the world wide web from me, so it can't be un-thought out stuff. I'm not complaining about it. I just have to figure out where blogger is going to go and what purpose I want it to serve. It's so wide open as to what I could blog about, but then it's not really at the exact same time. I'm not one to get up on soap boxes, so it's not like i'm going to share my opinion in some ominous way, and I'm not one to strongly even share my opinion about things in general, although my closest friends may disagree, but I won't do that on an internet blog. And then there's the whole deal that I could share what I did in my quiet time, but I'm not really feeling that either. So here I am going on and on about nothing really. Is that it - I have nothing to say to who knows who could be reading this, other than maybe two other people.

But there's something about it and something to it. Like my two followers could smile when they read this or maybe even someone else might happen upon this blog and be able to relate or at least be amused. I'm trying to think of why I look at other people's blogs. To see something they don't reveal to me or to learn something about someone, even someone I don't really know. To experience how other people live life.

Well, I don't know the answer, but for now I'll keep trudging along with all my thought jotting.

My church, Revolution, is doing a series coming up called, "Alive." The premise is that if you knew you had 30 days left to live, what would you do differently, and why aren't you living that way already. Good question, and one maybe I'll expound on in my blog.


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