Saturday, August 2, 2008


So the thing I referenced that happened at Fuse at NewSpring Church was this. Their middle school and high school students used to meet separately; now they meet together on Wednesday nights. As you could imagine, this probably didn't go over well with the high schoolers - you know, having to meet with those goofy middle school kids. Well, at Fuse this past Wednesday, they showed a video of some of their middle school students sharing their opinions about how they are treated by the high school students, and the high school students shared their opinions about how they felt and even how they should probably step it up and be a better example of Christ to the middle school students. I thought that was a pretty gutsy video. It seemed to me that it would be eye opening to those students who are really trying to live for God. It's so easy to get caught up in your own little world and make life all about you. I'm guilty of it myself. Do I have the guts to ask God to reveal to me the ways I am doing that currently? Dangit! I hate when I have revelations like this. Now I'll have to ask.

It's been a pretty laid-back weekend so far, but tomorrow will be crazed. Taking Michael to church at 7:00 then coming back to the ranch, then going back to church at 9:50, then eating on the go, then bringing the boys back to the ranch, then heading to Woodstock to meet friends to ride together to a meeting in Acworth, then being picked up by Michael and other friends to go check out the youth ministry at West Ridge in Paulding. Funny that we lived right up the street from West Ridge when we lived in Dallas, but I have never been to anything they have ever done. So tomorrow will be my first West Ridge experience.

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